Ghost in a Bottle and Sons (GiaB) is a world-class global mega-corporation committed to cutting-edge end-to-end delivery of interactive multimedia e-business and personal synergistic solutions for customers. We are a paragon of innovative leadership and viral marketing with unparalleled resources and lots of money.
Our vision is to leverage unmatched in-house expertise and our extensive global network of partners to aid our loyal clients in empowering their customers by developing their market potential and optimizing their business processes.
GiaB is proud of its exceptional vertical team of millions of visionaries spread all over the known world. To them, GiaB is the protective father they never had, empowering them with everything they need in order to provide 24/365 B2B support and develop our arsenal of mission-critical data simulations in over a dozen of GiaB-operated arcologies around the globe.
What are you waiting for? Unleash your inner ghost... in a bottle!
Upstream oil regulators have given nod to Ghost in a Bottle Oil to drill 4 new wells as part of a USD 2.8 billion plan to develop gas fields in a protected national wildlife refuge.
Fighting erupted in the interstellar colonies after a brief ceasefire. This development was beneficial to GiaB War Industries end of year forecasts with the expected increase in demand for military equipment and private army units.
The Global Bank Union has scrapped plans to conduct a thorough inquiry into allegations that Ghost in a Bottle Banking Division was involved in massive money laundering operations that might have funded illegal activities around the world. The head of the union was quoted saying "GiaB is OK in my book"